Focus Plus Theme Release Notes
Version 23
- New section: Section with background.
- New module: Background settings.
- Styling options for section backgrounds including parallax effect.
- Border radius is now available for all images in modules.
Various bug fixes.
Version 22
- Slider layout in Clients module now allows adding links to the images.
- Supported types for button links are extended.
- Stability and coding improvements.
Version 21
- Title size and container width options added for blog posts.
- You can now add a link to the image in Website footer module.
- You can now add links to the images in Clients module.
- More alignment options for Hero slider module.
- Events module can now display time information.
- Events module date format update.
- Countdown timer module date format update.
- Stability and coding improvements.
- Various bug fixes.
Version 20
- Security update: Hero slider module now doesn't cause a content security policy error.
Version 19
- Security update: Tabs module now doesn't cause a content security policy error.
- Hero slider module can now loop if the animation type is set to 'Fade'.
- Countdown timer module update.
- Coding improvements.
- Various bug fixes.
Version 18
- MASSIVE update for Website header module: 11 new layouts, tons of styling options and much more.
- MASSIVE update for the sticky bar: Floating bar, tons of styling options and much more.
- Various improvements for Breadcrumb, Social accounts and Team members modules.
- New module: Anchor point.
- Additional settings for blog posts.
- Overall styling improvements and updates.
- Stability and coding improvements.
- Various bug fixes.
Version 17
- Marquee module improvements.
- Styling improvements for language switcher.
- Badge design and content alignment options for Team members module.
- Font Awesome 6.4.2 support.
- Twitter to X migration.
- SEO improvements for blog Author and Tag pages.
- Various bug fixes and stability improvements.
Version 16
- Image gallery module now works better on mobile.
- You can now set a minimum height for your cards in Cards module.
- Active menu item color option added for mobile.
- Additional date formats.
- You can make the ‘Back to top’ button circle now.
- Bug fixes.
Version 15
- New language switcher style added.
- New date format options added.
- Various bug fixes and stability improvements.
Version 14
- Arrow/bullet color options added for Hero slider, Recent blog posts and Testimonials modules.
- Hero slider module now has 4 buttons available for each slide.
- Alignment and navigation color options added for Tabs module.
- Recent blog posts module has now ability to show Tag posts.
- Submenu auto right alignment is now optional for Website header module.
- You can now hide Tag and Author page titles.
- You can now hide Blog post navigation.
Version 13
- New module: Font Awesome icon.
- Styling options and timezone feature added to Countdown timer module.
- Various tweaks.
Version 12
- New modules: Products, Product information and Image gallery.
- New templates: Product category and Product detail.
- New section: Product detail.
- Recent blog posts module has now ability to show excerpt.
- Font settings added to Website header module.
- Additional image options added to Hero slider module.
- Image offset options added to Text with image module.
- Styling tweaks.
- Bug fixes.
- Stability improvements.
- Various improvements to meet the latest HubSpot CMS requirements.
Version 11
- Category and tag information added to modules.
- Various improvements to meet the latest HubSpot CMS requirements.
- A bug fixed where date formats are different in blog pages.
- A bug fixed where Hero slider module image size is broken.
Version 10
- Various options and settings added for Blog pages.
Version 9
- You can now use images in Cards module.
- Cards module now has additional options alignments and icon position.
- Fancy header module now has width and decoration options.
- Sticky bar colors have been seperated from mobile header colors.
Version 8
- Home - 2 page template added.
- Call-to-action with countdown, Cards, Clients with double sliders and Hero slider with background sections added.
- Button with link module has now alignment options.
- New date formats added to Events module as well as optional timezone and locale fields.
- Increased flexibility for colors in various theme settings and modules.
Version 7
- Recent blog posts section added.
- You can now set different colors for each card in Cards module.
- Recent blog posts module can now display most popular posts too.
- Better usability in mobile view header.
- Buttons in Website header module can now be added to the sticky bar in desktop view.
- A bug has been fixed in Hero slider module where images cannot be displayed.
- A bug has been fixed in List module where icon sizes are broken.
Version 6
- Recent blog posts module added.
- Background image layout and various options added to Hero slider module.
Version 5
- Map module has now styling options to add border, corner and shadow.
- Styling tweaks.
- Stability improvements.
Version 4
- Mobile vertical spacing option added to Media boxes module.
- Show/Hide elements option added for Blog post page template.
Version 3
- All of the modules have a Styles tab now.
- Section and template preview images have been optimized.
- loading attribute added for the images in Testimonials module and Blog post page template.
- Various improvements to meet the latest HubSpot CMS requirements.
Version 2
- Contact - 2 page template added.
- Blank page template added.
- Map section added.
- Cards, Number counters and Tabs modules now have icon size option for mobile.
- Hero slider module now has borders, corners and shadow options.
- CTA buttons now accepts custom class names.
- Placement options added for Go to top and Feedback buttons.
- Styling tweaks on blog post page template.
- Improved usability for number fields in various settings.
Version 1
Initial release.