Refund Policy

We offer 100% money back guarantee.

If you purchased Focus Plus theme for the first time, it naturally means you're eligible for 100% money back guarantee. There's no additional conditions, no restrictions, no exceptional terms.

Your money is totally safe for 30 days.

So you can try Focus Plus as you wish for 30 days after purchasing and see if it's the right choice for you. We believe you'll love it, but if somehow you decide not to use it, we issue a full refund.

We issue your refund in 24 hours.

Once you requested for a refund, we'll start the refunding process in 24 hours, without any questions. But if you'd be so kind to provide some feedback about what went wrong, we'd be more than glad!

How do I request a refund?

1. In your HubSpot account, click the ⚙️ settings icon in the main navigation bar.
2. In the left sidebar menu, click Marketplace Downloads
3. Click the Actions dropdown menu on the theme that you want a refund for.
4. Click Request a refund.

Will you ask any questions regarding my refund request?

We value your opinion and would love to hear your feedback if you choose not to proceed with our theme. But of course, the decision is completely up to you and you don't have to answer anything.

What happens after a refund?

HubSpot automatically removes the files associated with the item from your account, as well as any dependencies (e.g., pages created, cloned templates and modules) created from the item.

How long does it take to get my money back?

We'll issue your refund request in 24 hours but it may take a couple of days for you to see the amount in your bank account or credit card. This timeframe is dependent on your bank's policy and can vary accordingly.

Can I get a refund after 30 days from my purchase?

You can still ask for a refund even if more than 30 days have passed from your purchase. But note that we'll follow HubSpot's Marketplace Refund Guidelines in that case.

Can I cancel my refund request?

Yes! HubSpot allows you to cancel your refund request if we haven't issued it yet. And this would make us happy 😊.

I changed my mind after I got my refund. Can I purchase your theme again?

Yes! Just go ahead and purchase it the same way you did before.

I got my refund once and then I purchased your theme again. Can I get a refund for this new purchase?

You can still ask for a refund. But note that we'll follow HubSpot's Marketplace Refund Guidelines in that case.